It’s very simple to get married. You get a license and the deed is done. It requires no lawyers, little planning, and no education. If your marriage does not last, you soon find out that getting a divorce is much harder than getting married. A divorce may take months and may drag on for more than a year.
If it is so easy to get married why is it so hard to get divorced? There are many reasons divorce is not a simple process. If you’re getting a divorce, it’s a safe bet you agree about very little. If you were in agreement, your divorce could be handled more quickly. Divorce, by its very nature assumes there is discord in your lives and therefore you need other people to help you end your marriage.
The State sets up procedures and processes that people must go through so that your rights are protected. The process is also in place so that the judge is able to hear all of the facts about your marriage and make a careful decision about your assets, alimony, custody, and child support. It takes time to gather all of that information and present it to the court in the proper format. It also takes time for your attorney to hear your point of view and decide how best to present your case to a judge in a thoughtful and persuasive manner or how best to position your case in negotiations.
Divorce is also complicated by the many emotions involved. Divorce is one of the most difficult of life’s transitions and tensions may run high. Having the right attorney on your side can help you process the complicated emotional issues arising in a divorce and how best to channel those emotions productively.
The skilled and experienced attorneys at DeTorres & DeGeorge are ready to represent you in your divorce. Call us today to make an appointment.