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Divorce, Custody, and Pregnancy

Tag: custody

Divorce, Custody, and Pregnancy

January 8, 2014

If you are pregnant and considering a divorce, or are pregnant and no longer together with your child’s father, you may wonder if you can take any steps about custody during your pregnancy. An unborn child is not a legal

How to Decide if You Want a Divorce

November 21, 2013

Deciding to get a divorce is a difficult decision. It is often a long road with many twists and turns along the way. One day you may be certain you want a divorce, while the next day you may want

How to Stay Out of Family Court

November 20, 2013

Many families who experience a divorce or custody case find themselves returning to family court over and over for modification and enforcement proceedings. One problem gets resolved and then another one pops up. Sometimes the same issue is re-litigated over

Why Paternity Matters

November 20, 2013

If you have a child with someone else and you are not married, it is important to establish paternity. You might be wondering why the legal details matter, especially if both you and the other parent know and understand who

What Is Co-Parenting?

November 20, 2013

Co-parenting is a buzzword you will hear a lot about if you are in the middle of a divorce or custody case. Some people misunderstand what co-parenting is all about.

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Gavel on a Family Law paper

What is the Difference Between a Divorce Lawyer and a Family Law Attorney: Family Lawyer vs Divorce Lawyer

If you are considering a divorce, you may be wondering: exactly what is the difference between a divorce lawyer and a family law attorney? A divorce lawyer is a family lawyer whose practice includes divorce among other things. Divorce law is considered a subset of family law; therefore, a family...

September 3, 2024 Read More

Tax papers, a calculator and a laptop on a table

What is imputed income? Imputed income in divorce in New Jersey

We don’t often think of a court postulating about what could be, but there is a notable instance when it will consider a “what if” scenario in a divorce case, when it involves imputation of income in New Jersey. Imputed income sometimes factors into calculations for spousal and child support,...

August 5, 2024 Read More

2 people sitting at a table with wedding rings and a document

Divorce for Irreconcilable Differences in New Jersey

Can feelings of being less connected, of “growing apart,” physical or emotional distance, or mistrust be grounds for divorce in New Jersey, or does a couple need to demonstrate something less abstract?  Does filing for divorce require proof of alleged harm, or can a couple simply come to a...

July 26, 2024 Read More

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