Written by guest writer, Leslie Allen, West End Residential
Nothing was more exhilarating than feeling the vibration of the reciprocal saw as the blade sliced my through my living room sofa; a symbol of what I had to get out of my life. Like many going through a divorce, I had been stuck, too overwhelmed to make steps towards my next phase in life. A new year was approaching, and I refused to start it with that sofa in my life. One problem, the sofa was too big to fit in my building’s elevator.
Getting unstuck and finding your new life may not require sawing a sofa in half, but as a divorce survivor and NJ realtor, I know the process has some unique challenges.
Property vs Home: It’s not easy, but the sooner you change how you look at your surroundings, the better. See it as a physical space, a building, a product, a property. You can take the good memories from that home to your next home and leave the unpleasant memories behind. You are selling a property.
Choose Wisely: Selling or buying a home under normal circumstances can be stressful, adding in a divorce may ratchet up the stress level. Selecting the right realtor is as important as selecting the right divorce attorney. Good communication with your realtor is vital because I’ve experienced everything from sparring spouses, maddening drama, dueling divorce attorneys, temporary client breakdowns and more. I work to develop the best strategy for you by analyzing the current real estate market and taking into account your needs and ultimate goal. Successfully I help my clients navigate through it all.
Market Consideration: If your divorce attorney is drafting language about your real estate transaction, whatever their strategy, make sure they take into account your realtor’s market analysis. Of consideration should be your property’s price point, type, condition, location in town, average time for comparables to sell and more. Understanding these factors will help you manage expectations.
Pricing is Key: If you choose to ignore the advice of a professional and price your home too high; buyers will just wait for the inevitable price drop. Is it worth delaying your next chapter in life in the hopes of getting your price? Taking all factors into account, one very effective strategy is to price just below the market value which can generate more interest in a property.
Buying: A new life is coming your way! Be open to a variety of options, widen your scope, you never know where you’ll end up. I was quite the snob about leaving New York City and clinging to my past. Who knew I’d be happier as a “Jersey Girl?” Keep your options open.
Selling & Buying: If you are selling and buying a home, think of these two as one transaction. You may not get the price you want when selling a property, but you may gain great value on the buy side. Either way you will be unstuck and able to start your new life.
Where did I get that power tool? Was it stashed in a closet? NO. I went to Home Depot, purchased 2 saw blades, (ironically brand name Rescue Blades) and rented a reciprocating saw. I got unstuck, joyfully pushed that sofa out into the elevator and embarked on my fantastic new life. Every one of my real estate clients receive that same resolve and resourcefulness.