When you are going through a divorce you may feel you are truly at one of the lowest and most difficult points in your life. You are experiencing changes to your finances, daily routine, where you live, parenting, friends, and mental and emotional health. You are likely crunched for time because you are trying to work, parent, possibly move, go to court and meet with your attorney or mediator, and cope with your emotions all while keeping your head above water. For many people, this is also a time when they feel the physical effects of stress in their lives as well. You’re coping with a lot and you may not be taking care of yourself.
An important way to feel better, improve your future, and take charge of your life is exercise. It might feel like the last thing you have time for or care about right now, but exercise is one of the best ways to combat stress. Finding a way to get some kind of regular exercise can offer you these benefits:
- Mental clarity. Take care of your brain by taking care of your body. Exercise is relaxing and soothing and can give you chunks of time when you have to take your mind off your situation.
- Better sleep. People who exercise sleep better and on a more regular schedule. No more nights staring at the ceiling wondering if you’re making the right decisions.
- Social connections. Exercising with friends creates time for socializing. Exercising in a public place (like a gym or walking path) also gives you the opportunity to meet new people.
- Improved self-esteem. You feel better physically and if you continue to exercise you look better too. These two things combined can give you a powerful boost you need right now to feel more positive.
- Better health. People who exercise reduce their risk of many serious ailments as well as being better able to combat colds and flu.
DeTorres & DeGeorge offers compassionate and skilled assistance with divorce in Flemington and Clinton, New Jersey. Call us now for an appointment.