Deciding to get a divorce is a decision that takes time to become comfortable with. Many people go back and forth many times before deciding to move ahead and file for divorce. It is also very common to have second thoughts about your divorce after you have filed. Some couples attempt to reconcile after filing papers, by dating or moving back in together. Second thoughts are not unusual and are normal. After being married to someone for many years it makes sense to reconsider your decision to end your marriage before it is final. Follow these tips if you are having second thoughts.
- Talk to your spouse. If you are the only one having second thoughts, then moving forward with the divorce may be your only recourse.
- Dream about your future. What do you want your life to look like next year or five years from now? Is your current marriage part of your dream? If so, it makes sense to make some efforts to save your marriage.
- Get real. Are you just fantasizing or is there a real chance you can make your marriage work? You may carry the fantasy of what you wish your marriage was like, yet at same time realize it could never actually come true.
- Talk to a therapist. Marriage therapy is your best bet for patching up problems in your relationship. Going to see a therapist can help you focus on what is best for you and how to get there.
- Let your attorney know. The more time your attorney spends on your case, the more costs you will incur. If you really think you might not want a divorce after all, it makes sense to put the brakes on the legal process, at least until you are certain one way or the other.
At DeTorres & DeGeorge, your future is our focus. We’re ready to talk about your divorce today.