Divorce Losses


Divorce Losses

A divorce is the end of your marriage and your life as a spouse. However, divorce also creates other losses that you might not be expecting:

  • Loss of your family. If you and your spouse have children, a divorce is the end of your traditional family unit. You will always be your child’s parent and you and your ex will always be parents together, but it can be hard to accept and process the loss of that two-parent family we are taught is the ideal. You will also lose your in-laws. Although you might be able to maintain a friendly relationship with them, they are no longer your family and that might be a harsh reality.
  • Loss of friends. It is inevitable that you will lose some friends because of the divorce. Some may side with your spouse. Others may drift away. You may decide some friends are not what you need and choose not to spend time with them. It might be uncomfortable to see friends who are couples when you are now single. Your entire friendship landscape will shift during and after your divorce. What you need to embrace is that this will enable you to make new friends and further expand your support network.
  • Financial loss. Divorce always has a financial impact and it can take a while to adjust to your new financial reality. You need to take time to reassess your financial situation and your budget and create a plan that will allow you to move forward.
  • Loss of confidence. Your divorce may make you feel uncertain about your future, your choices, your abilities, your dating acumen, your parenting skills, and even whether you are lovable. It is important to turn to your friends and family and perhaps see a therapist who can help you regain your confidence and rebuild your self-esteem.

DeTorres & DeGeorge handles divorce and family law in New Jersey. Call us today for a consultation.

Divorce Guide
About DeTorres and DeGeorge Family Law

DeTorres and DeGeorge Family Law is a New Jersey based family law firm that has been helping New Jersey residents achieve the best possible results in their divorce for nearly 30 years. The DeTorres and DeGeorge Family Law team is always ready to fight for their clients’ rights – determined to help New Jersey families overcome legal challenges from start to finish. Our legal team, with over 65 years of combined experience, provides expert guidance on all family law and divorce-related matters, including custody and parenting time, alimony and child support, equitable distribution of assets, premarital agreements, post-divorce issues, executive compensation distribution, divorces for business owners, and divorce mediation. The firm has been recognized for its dedication and expertise in the industry by multiple local and national organizations, including Super Lawyers, Law Firm 500, and the American Institute of Family Law Attorneys. Rosanne DeTorres, Managing Partner, is one of 150 lawyers certified as a matrimonial law attorney.

Rosanne S. DeTorres
Ms. DeTorres is the managing partner and co-founder of DeTorres & DeGeorge Family Law. She is also only one of 150 attorneys in the State of NJ that is certified by the NJ Supreme Court as a Matrimonial Law Attorney. Ms. DeTorres graduated...
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