Divorce Articles - Page 5 of 23


Category: Divorce

Support Groups for Separation and Divorce

Author: Nicole Casciola and Erin DeGeorge

Experiencing separation and divorce can be very difficult to manage at times. The impact of these circumstances can be emotionally overwhelming.  People in...


Author: Nicole Casciola and Rosanne DeTorres

Learning how to cope with divorce is a necessary part of the divorce process. Identifying how to cope with divorce may not be limited to just the actual...

Filing For Divorce After Moving Out of State During a Separation in New Jersey

Author: Nicole Casciola and Rosanne DeTorres

If you are planning to divorce and move at the same time, you might have questions about filing for divorce after moving out of state. If you have been...

Things a Mother Should Ask for in a Divorce

Author: Nicole Casciola and Erin DeGeorge

Mothers who plan to divorce need to protect both themselves and their children. The things a mother should ask for in a divorce vary depending on the ages of...

Is Recording Phone Conversations In New Jersey Legal?

Author: Nicole Casciola and Rosanne DeTorres

If you are involved in a divorce, you may want to know if recording phone conversations in New Jersey is legal and if these conversations are admissible in...

3 Reasons Why You Should Settle Your Divorce Out of Court

Author: Lisa Skelly and Erin DeGeorge

The goal for most couples seeking a divorce is to make the process as “quick and painless” as possible. This is certainly in their best interests,...

The Cost of Divorce in New Jersey

Author: Rosanne S. DeTorres

While there are costs involved with filing for a divorce, there are ways to help manage those costs and still receive a strong outcome in your favor. Our...

What Happens To the Rental Property During a Divorce?

Author: Erin D. DeGeorge

When couples divorce, decisions have to be made about dividing the marital property. Marital property includes more than just the family home, financial...

Alimony In New Jersey

Author: Rosanne S. DeTorres

Spouses worry about how they’re going to support themselves during a divorce and after the divorce is finalized. These worries are especially scary if a...

What is Attorney-Client Privilege?

Author: Rosanne S. DeTorres

Attorney-client privilege is a concept that generally says that clients have a right to expect that everything they tell their lawyer will be kept in strictest...

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What is the Divorce Rate in the US: American Divorce Statistics

What is the divorce rate in the United States? Is the US divorce rate trending upward or downward? A quick online search of these questions will yield a list of results, but the statistics may not be telling the whole story about marriage and divorce in America.  Depending on the source, there can...

January 23, 2025 Read More

Woman sitting at a table with a calculator, documents and a model house

Do You Have to Refinance Your House After Divorce? What Happens if You Can’t Refinance After Divorce?

For many couples considering divorce, two questions are often top-of-mind: How will it affect my children, and what will happen to the house?  In any divorce, one of the most important considerations is the fair and equitable division of property, assets, and debts.  Marital property consists...

January 3, 2025 Read More

Man and woman sitting in chairs talking

Communicating Through Divorce: Listening When It’s Hardest

Written by guest writer, Deb Porter, owner of HOLD. Divorce is one of life’s most challenging experiences. It’s hard enough to navigate the practicalities, but when emotions run high and trust feels shattered, communication can seem nearly impossible. How do you listen and respond...

December 12, 2024 Read More

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