Civil Union & Domestic Partnership Divorce Articles

Civil Union & Domestic Partnership Divorce

Category: Civil Union & Domestic Partnership Divorce

False allegations in divorce: How to defend yourself against false allegations in divorce

Author: Nicole Casciola and Erin DeGeorge

What are false accusations in a divorce case?  False accusations in divorce can deal with any issue or situation when the other parent or party has made a...

Civil Union & Domestic Partnership Dissolution & Divorce in New Jersey

Author: Erin D. DeGeorge

What is the civil union dissolution law in NJ? Before we can understand a New Jersey civil union dissolution, we have to understand the laws about same sex...

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Father and child walking down path holding hands

Child Support and Unemployment: How Does Child Support Work When One Parent is Unemployed

When marriage ends in divorce in New Jersey, the terms of the divorce depend on whether or not the couple have dependent children.  While the marriage ends when the divorce is final, both parents will continue to have obligations to their children, to support their basic needs, growth and...

September 12, 2024 Read More

Gavel on a Family Law paper

What is the Difference Between a Divorce Lawyer and a Family Law Attorney: Family Lawyer vs Divorce Lawyer

If you are considering a divorce, you may be wondering: exactly what is the difference between a divorce lawyer and a family law attorney? A divorce lawyer is a family lawyer whose practice includes divorce among other things. Divorce law is considered a subset of family law; therefore, a family...

September 3, 2024 Read More

Tax papers, a calculator and a laptop on a table

What is imputed income? Imputed income in divorce in New Jersey

We don’t often think of a court postulating about what could be, but there is a notable instance when it will consider a “what if” scenario in a divorce case, when it involves imputation of income in New Jersey. Imputed income sometimes factors into calculations for spousal and child support,...

August 5, 2024 Read More

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