Children & Divorce Articles - Page 7 of 13

Children & Divorce

Category: Children & Divorce

4 Facts About Divorce Court in New Jersey

Author: Erin D. DeGeorge

For anyone who is not involved in the divorce process from day to day, it can feel like an overwhelming and daunting one. But in the vast majority of cases,...

Are There Different NJ Custody Laws for Unmarried Parents?

Author: Erin D. DeGeorge

When people come into our office for a consultation, they often bring with them many misconceptions about the family law courts, especially in regard to...

What to Consider When It Comes to Your Children and Same Sex Divorce

Author: Rosanne S. DeTorres

New Jersey began expanding its laws regarding same-sex relationships back in 2005 when the Domestic Partnership Act was signed, and since then, the laws have...

How Can Your Divorce and College Expenses Affect Your Settlement?

Author: Erin D. DeGeorge

Parents of college-bound children, take note: The law in New Jersey requires all divorced parents to contribute to their children's college educations....

What You Need to Know: Difference Between Alimony and Child Support in NJ

Author: Erin D. DeGeorge

Alimony and child support are two very different forms of financial support – yet many people have the misconception that they are both simply financial...

Are You Guaranteed Alimony in New Jersey?

Author: Rosanne S. DeTorres

In New Jersey, alimony is not a certainty in every divorce case. Rather, it is based on one party's ability to pay alimony versus the other party's need to...

What You Should Know When Negotiating Your Alimony In New Jersey

Author: Erin D. DeGeorge

One of the most common questions that potential clients have is “How much is alimony in NJ?” Whether they are the party who might be paying it or the...

How Is Alimony In New Jersey Determined During A Divorce?

Author: Rosanne S. DeTorres

Each time a new client visits our office, one of the most common misconceptions they come to us with is how alimony is decided in New Jersey. In some states,...

Will Joint Custody Be Best For Your Family’s Needs?

Author: Erin D. DeGeorge

When attempting to work out a custody agreement with your former spouse, it's best to start with an understanding of the basics. First, there are two types of...

3 Important Things To Include In Your Joint Custody Agreement

Author: Rosanne S. DeTorres

One of the most emotional aspects of your divorce is the custody and parenting time decisions that have to be made. This includes developing a parenting time...

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What is the Divorce Rate in the US: American Divorce Statistics

What is the divorce rate in the United States? Is the US divorce rate trending upward or downward? A quick online search of these questions will yield a list of results, but the statistics may not be telling the whole story about marriage and divorce in America.  Depending on the source, there can...

January 23, 2025 Read More

Woman sitting at a table with a calculator, documents and a model house

Do You Have to Refinance Your House After Divorce? What Happens if You Can’t Refinance After Divorce?

For many couples considering divorce, two questions are often top-of-mind: How will it affect my children, and what will happen to the house?  In any divorce, one of the most important considerations is the fair and equitable division of property, assets, and debts.  Marital property consists...

January 3, 2025 Read More

Man and woman sitting in chairs talking

Communicating Through Divorce: Listening When It’s Hardest

Written by guest writer, Deb Porter, owner of HOLD. Divorce is one of life’s most challenging experiences. It’s hard enough to navigate the practicalities, but when emotions run high and trust feels shattered, communication can seem nearly impossible. How do you listen and respond...

December 12, 2024 Read More

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