Children & Divorce Articles - Page 11 of 13

Children & Divorce

Category: Children & Divorce

Custody and Your Child’s Name

Author: Erin D. DeGeorge

As you watch U.S. Olympic downhill skier Bode Miller try to bring home the gold, you may hear commentators discussing his ongoing custody case. Miller is in...

Parenting Time Interference

Author: Rosanne S. DeTorres

Parenting time interference is a serious issue. If you and your ex have a few miscommunications or mix-ups it is likely not statutory parenting time...

What Not To Do in Family Court

Author: Rosanne S. DeTorres

While your family-court case will be decided by the judge by applying the law to the facts, how you look, act, and behave in court can affect the judge’s...

Talking About Child Support with Your Child

Author: Erin D. DeGeorge

Child support payments are generally made by the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent. The purpose of the payments is to ensure that the child...

Can Addicts Get Custody?

Author: Rosanne S. DeTorres

If your ex is an addict, you may be very concerned about your child’s safety and worried that your ex might get custody or unsupervised visitation. Addiction...

What You Need to Know About Child Abuse and Custody

Author: Erin D. DeGeorge

The sexual-abuse allegations against Woody Allen by his daughter Dylan Farrow made national news last year and have turned the spotlight on child abuse and...

Children’s Expenses and Child Support

Author: Erin D. DeGeorge

Your child-support order specifies a set amount that is to be paid by one parent to the other, usually from the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent....

The Benefits of Sharing Holidays After Divorce

Author: Erin D. DeGeorge

Many parenting plans create a holiday schedule that either gives each parent specific holidays every year or creates a schedule that alternates holidays...

What to Expect When Parenting After Divorce

Author: Rosanne S. DeTorres

Becoming a single parent can be a challenging part of divorcing or separating. When having children, most people plan to parent together for the child’s...

The Tender Years Doctrine in Child Custody Cases

Author: Erin D. DeGeorge

You may have heard of the phrase “the tender years doctrine”. This has to do with custody cases. The tender years doctrine was an approach to custody cases...

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What is the Divorce Rate in the US: American Divorce Statistics

What is the divorce rate in the United States? Is the US divorce rate trending upward or downward? A quick online search of these questions will yield a list of results, but the statistics may not be telling the whole story about marriage and divorce in America.  Depending on the source, there can...

January 23, 2025 Read More

Woman sitting at a table with a calculator, documents and a model house

Do You Have to Refinance Your House After Divorce? What Happens if You Can’t Refinance After Divorce?

For many couples considering divorce, two questions are often top-of-mind: How will it affect my children, and what will happen to the house?  In any divorce, one of the most important considerations is the fair and equitable division of property, assets, and debts.  Marital property consists...

January 3, 2025 Read More

Man and woman sitting in chairs talking

Communicating Through Divorce: Listening When It’s Hardest

Written by guest writer, Deb Porter, owner of HOLD. Divorce is one of life’s most challenging experiences. It’s hard enough to navigate the practicalities, but when emotions run high and trust feels shattered, communication can seem nearly impossible. How do you listen and respond...

December 12, 2024 Read More

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