What is walkaway wife syndrome?


What is walkaway wife syndrome?

Woman walking away with suitcaseWalk away wife syndrome is a term used to describe a wife’s behavior when she abruptly ends a relationship without first attempting to resolve conflicts. Walk away wife syndrome is also often referred to as neglected wife’s syndrome or sudden divorce syndrome.

Neglected wife syndrome, lonely wife syndrome, and tired wife syndrome, are all terms used interchangeably with walkaway wife syndrome.

In these circumstances, the wife feels unhappy in the marriage and decides that it is time to end the marriage after feeling alone, neglected, resentful, or angry in a marriage that has been deteriorating.

Walk away wife syndrome is not always the other person‘s fault. It can result from a breakdown of the communication between both parties that slowly develops into a breakdown of the emotional relationship between the parties. Most people are not aware that it is starting to happen and it is generally not something that happens quickly.

What causes a walkaway wife syndrome?

In a situation where walkaway wife syndrome occurs, oftentimes there is a lack of or a total elimination of physical intimacy or romance. Walkaway wife syndrome can manifest in resentment, complaining about the other person’s behaviors, and a total disinterest in each other’s daily lives. People may notice that a wife’s needs, interests and feelings go ignored or invalidated.

Therapy is often an avenue that people pursue when attempting reconciliation in their marriage.

If you hope to reconcile your marriage, it is a good idea to consult with a mental health professional if you want to work on issues to attempt to avoid divorce. Your wife may be considering divorce if she no longer wants to be intimate with you or does not include you in plans that she makes for herself.  Couples counseling and therapy may be a way to work on issues before your wife leaves.  If you have concerns that she is going to leave,  if you have tried to work on your marriage or reconcile with your spouse and she seems unwilling to work with you, divorce may be inevitable.  It may be the right time to explore individual counseling, a support group, or reaching out to friends and family that can help guide you through this process.

Do walkaway wives return?

Yes, there are times where the parties commit to working on the marriage.

Is walkaway wife syndrome real? 

Yes, walkaway wife syndrome is real.

Sudden divorce syndrome is a term that describes when one person announces that they want a divorce without any warning to their spouse, and without the distress and anxiety that typically precedes a divorce. One person is often caught off guard, which can exacerbate the circumstances.

Family therapists are also using the phrase sudden divorce syndrome. Some of the signs include one spouse believing that the marriage is fine and has not considered divorce while the other spouse is entertaining the idea of divorce.

Sudden wife abandonment syndrome

Wife abandonment syndrome is when a husband leaves a wife without ever having told her that he was unhappy in the marriage.

Spousal abandonment syndrome is when one of the spouses leaves the marriage without warning and often without having demonstrated any signs that there was an issue in the marriage.

While marriages routinely fail shortly after marriage, divorce after 30 years is common also. The breakdown of the marital relationship after 30 years could be due to the empty nest syndrome, infidelity, perhaps wanting to make a change to enjoy their retirement or later years when children are grown and out of the house.

Desertion in marriage is a basis for divorce in New Jersey. If your spouse has abandoned you, you may want to consider this as a cause of action for divorce.

Walk away wife syndrome is a situation that can have a significant impact on all of the family members, not only the spouse, but also children and grandchildren. As with all divorce circumstances, there are always legal implications and considerations such as the living arrangement moving forward, whether or not there are custody and child support issues depending upon the age of the children, if there are children, as well as the equitable distribution of assets.

Here at DeTorres & DeGeorge, New Jersey divorce attorneys, if you are experiencing walkaway wife syndrome and have questions about what walkaway wife syndrome is, we can help you navigate this process. Contact us today for a consultation. We are here to help.


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