5 Ways Divorce Will Benefit Your Child

There is much media coverage about the impact of divorce on children. Unfortunately much of this focuses on the negative effects. What you might not realize is that divorce has some positive effects on your child as well.

  1. A conflict-free home. If you chose to stay together for the sake of your child instead of getting a divorce, your child would continue to live in a home with parents who fight and don’t want to be together. The tension levels in these homes are tremendous and are very damaging to children. By choosing to divorce, you are giving your child two homes where there is no fighting and the focus is on positive things.
  2. Compromise in action. If you are able to work through your custody issues and divorce by reaching a settlement, you will show your children that there is always room for compromise and that the mature way to handle conflict is to look for a reasonable solution.
  3. Happiness matters. When you choose to divorce, you are empowering yourself to be happy, to make positive change in your life and to stand up and say that what you want in life matters. These are important lessons for everyone and things you want your children to be able to do in their own lives. Yes, seeking these things may cause some conflict, but the end result is worth it.
  4. Survivability. No matter how hard your divorce is, the fact that you are getting through it with your head held high is an important lesson. Your child will see that it is possible to get through things that are challenging and come out the other side in one piece.

DeTorres & DeGeorge is ready to be your legal ally in your divorce. Call us today at 908-284-6005 to schedule an appointment in Clinton, New Jersey and the surrounding areas.