When you decide to get a divorce, you’re doing it because you’re in conflict with your spouse. It’s common to feel malicious and to want revenge. Taking your spouse for every dime, punishing him or her by revealing all in court, or making the divorce as long and painful as possible might sound like the way to go. In reality, none of this is positive for you and instead you should be thinking about reaching a settlement. Here are some of the reasons why:
- A bitter divorce just makes you more bitter. Revenge doesn’t do anything positive for you. It just allows you to stay angry for a longer period of time. If you want to be happy, start now. Spending all your time thinking of ways to stick it to your spouse, to punish him, or to annoy her isn’t going to increase your happiness, it only increases the negative energy in your life. Focus on what you can do for yourself.
- A nasty divorce costs big bucks. Are you ready to spend your savings just to teach your spouse a lesson? A long drawn out divorce could leave you with almost nothing and you need financial resources to create your own future.
- The uglier your divorce, the worse off your kids are. Not only will you do long-term damage to them but you might even damage your own relationship with them. And you’ll likely have to spend a lot of money on counseling.
Call DeTorres & DeGeorge for help with mediation and divorce settlements.